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Joe Olachea

Three Ways to Let God Rock Your World

Updated: Jul 29, 2020

2 Kings 22:19, (NKJV) “Because your heart was tender, and you humbled yourself before the LORD when you heard what I spoke against this place and against its inhabitants, that they would become a desolation and a curse, and you tore your clothes and wept before Me, I also have heard you,” says the LORD.”

In His sovereignty God raises up an eight-year-old king, Josiah, to reign over the kingdom of Judah following the 55-year rule of the wicked Manasseh (21:1 & 2). Josiah is one who did “what was right in the sight of the LORD” (v. 2). During his 18th year of ruling, God, in His providence and mercy, allows the high priest, Hilkiah, to discover “the Book of the Law in the house of the LORD” (v. 8). This is the beginning of a movement of God resulting in repentance, restoration, and revival.

Remember that God has a purpose in your life: While we are not “kings” over a political kingdom, we must understand that we have been placed where we are by a sovereign God Who has a purpose for our lives: to influence our world for His glory. He made us ambassadors of His kingdom (2 Cor. 5:18 - 20) to be salt and light in our world, calling others to repentance and faith (Mt. 5:13 – 16) by our daily actions as we seek first His kingdom and righteousness (Mt. 6:33).

Value the significance of God’s Word: The discipline of reading and studying the Scriptures need to be paramount in this process of spiritual growth that allows us to accomplish God’s purpose. The discovery of “the Book of the Law” after so many years was an act of God on behalf of one who had a humble heart toward Him. As we actively seek to love and know Him more, God is free to manifest Himself in and through us (Jn. 14:21 – 24).

Be thankful you are not alone. God did not leave Josiah alone in his endeavor to bring Judah back to Himself. These were the days of another young reformer, Jeremiah, as well as Nahum, Habakkuk, Huldah, and Zephaniah. Together with others, they would contribute to the atmosphere of revival offering a positive move of God in the kingdom’s sad slide toward destruction. As believers we need one another for the process of discipleship to take place.

In the fulfillment of the Great Commission on the corporate level, our churches need to be laser focused on the biblical definition of a disciple, the process of developing the individual, and the result based on Christ’s model. God did not give us a “Plan B.” A disciple-making church ensures that all of their “programs” conform to, “Does this make disciples?”

On the personal level, intentional time in God’s Word and meditation of it are necessary parts of this process. Seeking out others who influence you toward spiritual growth is the fulfillment of the Great Commission in your life and work even as you prayerfully seek those you are to disciple (Mt. 28:16 – 20). Let Him change you even as He uses you as an instrument of godly change in others!

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